I made the above "Mama Bag" (since I am a Mama to my four-legged kids) from the gorgeous book Handmade Home. As always, Amanda Soule brings incredible crafts to life and breaths new breath into cast off items. The above bag was made from some leftover upholstery weight fabric that's been sitting around my craft room wondering what it will become some day. I do believe you will have some friends soon, oh darling bag of mine.
The notebook below "Brandie's Book" (now Valerie's Book) is completely recycled, reused materials with a little Mod Podge thrown in for good measure.
Once it's bound at the local copy store, it's ready to be the home of any and every creative thought tossing around in my head.
Okay, so those two projects were for me but I really just wanted to try them out before I make them for others. I am so thoughtful, aren't I?
The final project was one I have been thinking about for a long time. My darling pooch Macallan had an old tired nylon collar that has seen better days. I wanted to reuse the perfectly good clasp and D-ring and also use up some scrap fabric. Leave it to Keyka Lou to have the tutorial. It really took about 15 minutes and my little girl took a nap while I worked. Now, isn't she pretty?
I'm thinking of taking orders at the local dog park for some seasonal collars. Who doesn't love a good Fall leaves or Santa collar on their precious pup?!
As always, please leave me your re-purposing craft tips in the comments... and share pictures, please. We all love pictures!
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