This is the life. Full Quiver Farm is an all-natural, organic farm in Suffolk, VA. It's about 25 minutes from our house and well worth the trip yesterday. This farm, run by the Wilson family, is located in the heart of the farmland in Suffolk. Just listen... you can hear the calm quiet stillness...
Happy chickens (the true definition of free-range organic) eat what they want, when they want.
Meeting of the minds.
The Wilsons turned a trailer into a chicken coop. This makes for easy moving to rotate the crops they graze on and also re-uses items they already had.
One happy happy man.
The pigs live in the woods, just like pigs love to do. They eat and play all day in the shade and seem to be having the time of their lives.
"You got a snack for me?"
Hello, gorgeous dairy cow!
Sleepy baby. They get to take their time growing up out here.
One year old dairy cows. They live right across the street from their moms and seem to really enjoy life.
The quintessential red trailer.
Chickens of all kinds just hangin' out- I love the one perched on the old fence!
Punk rock chick.
Thank you, Wilson family, for making us feel so welcome. We are honored to have walked your farm and met your family. You are truly blessed.
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